Social investment

Sustentabilidade - site Korn Traduções[:]

Korn Translations is aware of the importance of sustainable actions and makes sure to put them into practice! We know our responsibility in the environmental area and we spread this awareness internally. We practice selective collection and reuse of materials. In the social area, we collaborate with two major institutions – GRAACC and Doctors Without Borders.

You can learn more about each of the institutions that we help below:

Korn Traduções believes that linguistic democracy is vital for developing society and the plurality of languages. This is why we support Translators Without Borders (TWB), a community of over 80 thousand translators offering services to humanitarian organizations. Their work addresses humanitarian crises, development, training, and advocacy. The group provides significant support to organizations and how they serve their communities.
Fundado em 1991, o GRAACC (Grupo de Apoio ao Adolescente e à Criança com Câncer) é uma instituição brasileira que tem como objetivo apoiar a luta e a busca pela cura do câncer em crianças e adolescentes. A média é de 2,5 mil atendimentos por mês no hospital, considerando sessões de quimioterapia, consultas, cirurgias, entre outros. A importância do GRAACC vai além de oferecer tratamento a esses pacientes: a instituição também atua no desenvolvimento de ensino e pesquisa.


Founded in 1991, GRAACC (Support Group for Adolescents and Children with Cancer) is a Brazilian institution whose goal is to support the fight against cancer and the quest for a cure for the disease in children and teenagers. The hospital has an average of 2,500 visits per month, including chemotherapy sessions, consultations and surgeries, among others. GRAACC’s importance goes beyond providing treatment to these patients. The institution is also active in education and research development. For more information:

Reciclagem Certa é uma empresa que promove o destino correto do lixo tecnológico. Licenciada pelo IBAMA e pela CETESB, garante a seriedade do trabalho de reciclagem e o cumprimento das leis ambientais.

Reciclagem Certa (Proper Recycling)

Reciclagem Certa is a company whose goal is to properly dispose of technology waste. Licensed by IBAMA (Brazilian Environment and Natural Renewable Resources Institute) and CETESB (Environmental Protection Agency of the State of São Paulo), it is committed to the integrity of the recycling job and to observing environmental laws. For more information:

Social Investment: Social Transformation

Through social investment, we can identify strategies for investing funds into the society that are in line with our values and businesses. 

Social investment enables us to add value to our products and services, increases our capacity to attract and retain talents, improves the company’s climate and, above all, becomes part of the country’s social transformation process.

Por meio do investimento social, temos a oportunidade de identificar estratégias de investimento de recursos na sociedade alinhadas aos nossos valores e negócios.

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