Glossário de termos sobre cartão de crédito
Recentemente, postamos na área Tem Tradução o significado dos termos Co-branded cards e Private label cards. Para complementar as informações postadas, divulgamos, agora, o Glossário de termos sobre Cartão de Crédito, com definições sobre o assunto.
Ao final desse artigo, disponibilizamos o link com acesso direto ao site (que está em inglês), onde se pode procurar pelos termos sobre cartão de crédito em ordem alfabética. Além disso, é possível comparar os diferentes tipos de cartão de crédito de acordo com o seu perfil (negócio, viagem, estudante etc.).
Veja, abaixo, alguns dos termos sobre cartão de crédito que estão no site:
Affinity card
An affinity card is a credit card offered in conjunction with two organizations, one a card issuer and the other a nonfinancial group with which consumers have an affinity. Universities, sports franchises and nonprofit organizations are examples of affinity groups that often offer special discounts or deals for using their credit cards issued in partnership with a major bank.
Card-present (CP) transactions
Credit or debit card transactions conducted face-to-face, in which the card is physically swiped. Card-present transactions are considered more secure than card-not-present transactions, since a merchant can view the buyer, the card and the signature on it.
Companies that supply information about a consumer’s credit history to a credit bureau are called furnishers. These can include banks and credit card companies, debt collectors and others. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, a furnisher of credit information faces a number of obligations to ensure the accuracy of the information and to correct errors.
Tax deductible interest
Interest payments on consumer loans, including those on credit cards, used to be tax-deductible. The Tax Reform Act of 1986, signed into law by President Ronald Reagan, eliminated many tax shelters, but also eliminated the tax deduction for consumer loans — except for mortgages.
Acesse o glossário completo:[:en]Recentemente, postamos na área Tem Tradução o significado dos termos Co-branded cards e Private label cards. Para complementar as informações postadas, divulgamos, agora, o Glossário do Cartão de Crédito, com termos e definições sobre o assunto.
Ao final desse artigo, disponibilizamos o link com acesso direto ao site (que está em inglês), onde se pode procurar pelos termos em ordem alfabética. Além disso, é possível comparar os diferentes tipos de cartão de crédito de acordo com o seu perfil (negócio, viagem, estudante etc.).
Veja, abaixo, alguns dos termos que estão no site:
Affinity card
An affinity card is a credit card offered in conjunction with two organizations, one a card issuer and the other a nonfinancial group with which consumers have an affinity. Universities, sports franchises and nonprofit organizations are examples of affinity groups that often offer special discounts or deals for using their credit cards issued in partnership with a major bank.
Card-present (CP) transactions
Credit or debit card transactions conducted face-to-face, in which the card is physically swiped. Card-present transactions are considered more secure than card-not-present transactions, since a merchant can view the buyer, the card and the signature on it.
Companies that supply information about a consumer’s credit history to a credit bureau are called furnishers. These can include banks and credit card companies, debt collectors and others. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, a furnisher of credit information faces a number of obligations to ensure the accuracy of the information and to correct errors.
Tax deductible interest
Interest payments on consumer loans, including those on credit cards, used to be tax-deductible. The Tax Reform Act of 1986, signed into law by President Ronald Reagan, eliminated many tax shelters, but also eliminated the tax deduction for consumer loans — except for mortgages.
Acesse o glossário completo:[:es]Recentemente, postamos na área Tem Tradução o significado dos termos Co-branded cards e Private label cards. Para complementar as informações postadas, divulgamos, agora, o Glossário do Cartão de Crédito, com termos e definições sobre o assunto.
Ao final desse artigo, disponibilizamos o link com acesso direto ao site (que está em inglês), onde se pode procurar pelos termos em ordem alfabética. Além disso, é possível comparar os diferentes tipos de cartão de crédito de acordo com o seu perfil (negócio, viagem, estudante etc.).
Veja, abaixo, alguns dos termos que estão no site:
Affinity card
An affinity card is a credit card offered in conjunction with two organizations, one a card issuer and the other a nonfinancial group with which consumers have an affinity. Universities, sports franchises and nonprofit organizations are examples of affinity groups that often offer special discounts or deals for using their credit cards issued in partnership with a major bank.
Card-present (CP) transactions
Credit or debit card transactions conducted face-to-face, in which the card is physically swiped. Card-present transactions are considered more secure than card-not-present transactions, since a merchant can view the buyer, the card and the signature on it.
Companies that supply information about a consumer’s credit history to a credit bureau are called furnishers. These can include banks and credit card companies, debt collectors and others. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, a furnisher of credit information faces a number of obligations to ensure the accuracy of the information and to correct errors.
Tax deductible interest
Interest payments on consumer loans, including those on credit cards, used to be tax-deductible. The Tax Reform Act of 1986, signed into law by President Ronald Reagan, eliminated many tax shelters, but also eliminated the tax deduction for consumer loans — except for mortgages.
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